Brown Amy, Author at Rev-Grown Home Homegrown Plant Fair Fri, 02 Aug 2024 13:32:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brown Amy, Author at Rev-Grown Home 32 32 5 Tips For Apartment Gardening Fri, 02 Aug 2024 13:32:03 +0000 It is a wonderful way to green up your home and a great way for city dwellers to feel connected to nature. Flat gardening is a wonderful way to green …

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It is a wonderful way to green up your home and a great way for city dwellers to feel connected to nature. Flat gardening is a wonderful way to green up your home. It is possible to successfully manage indoor gardening in a variety of ways, despite the fact that city life presents a number of challenges, including limited space.

Using Storage Containers

One of the keys to successful indoor gardening is the organisation of space. Three types of containers are recommended:

  1. A large container for garden supplies: It is convenient for storing fertilisers, pest control products, pots and other gardening supplies. It saves space and keeps things tidy.
  1. Soil container: Purchasing a lot of soil components, such as coconut fibre or perlite, requires a single place to store them. You can mix the soil ahead of time and store it in an airtight container, making it easier to plant and care for your plants.
  1. Container for transplanting plants: Using a separate container for transplants helps avoid clutter and makes it easier to clean up after the job is done.

Rearrange Furniture and Create Optimal Conditions for Plants

Over time, as the plant collection grows, it may be necessary to rearrange the furniture in your flat to create better growing conditions. It is advisable to position large pieces of furniture so that they do not block light to the plants or create draughts. Creating special areas for plants will not only improve their growing conditions, but will also add to the aesthetic appeal of the interior.

Keeping It Clean

Cleanliness is critical in caring for houseplants, especially when space is limited. Dirt and dust can cause pests and plant diseases. Regular cleaning not only prevents these problems, but also helps to create a pleasant atmosphere in the home. It is important to set a cleaning schedule, which may include the following tasks:

  • Weekly wiping of plant leaves to remove dust.
  • Monthly cleaning of pots and trays to remove soil and water residue.
  • Regularly renewing the topsoil in pots to prevent mould growth.

It’s also a good idea to keep a cleaning kit on hand, which can include plant care products, rags, brushes and small spatulas. This makes cleaning easier and more systematised.


Proper lighting is key to the health of indoor plants, especially in a flat environment where natural light may be limited. Efficient use of available space and artificial lighting can greatly improve conditions for plants. Here are a few ways to optimise lighting:

  1. Maximise the use of window sills: Arranging plants at different levels helps to use limited space efficiently. Taller plants are placed at the back and lower plants at the front.
  1. Use LED lights: LED plant lights can compensate for the lack of natural light. They can be installed above shelves or used to replace conventional bulbs in light fittings.
  1. Creating lighting systems: Installing lights on walls or ceilings helps to provide even lighting for all plants, especially in corners of the room where there is little natural light.

Choosing the Right Plants

Choosing plants that adapt easily to flat conditions can make it much easier to care for them and ensure their healthy growth. When choosing plants for the home, it is important to consider not only aesthetic preferences, but also the functionality of each species. Here is a list of plants that usually do well in a flat environment:

  • Sansevieria (“Mother-in-law’s Tongue”): Ideal for low-light corners.
  • Spathiphyllum (‘Lady’s Happiness’): Grows well in shade or semi-shade.
  • Ficus: Unpretentious and can adapt to different lighting conditions.
  • Chlorophytum: Highly resilient and requires little care.

When choosing plants for the flat, it is better to give preference to those that are not only beautiful, but also able to adapt to changing environmental conditions. This will reduce the need for constant intervention and allow you to enjoy greenery without too much hassle.


Gardening on a flat surface requires careful attention to detail and attention to organisation. The utilisation of storage containers, the skillful distribution of light, and the selection of plants that are suitable for the space all allow you to create conditions that are conducive to the growth of healthy plants even in a restricted area.

In addition to preventing potential issues with pests and plant diseases, maintaining a garden that is regularly cleaned helps to keep it in pristine condition forever. Creating a home that is more inviting and full of vibrant green plants can be accomplished through the thoughtful cultivation of a flat through gardening.

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Top 8 Healthiest Plants To Have In Your House Fri, 02 Aug 2024 09:17:33 +0000 Greenery in the home is not only pleasing to the eye, but also promotes better health by purifying the air. Plants can become natural filters that capture and neutralise toxic …

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Greenery in the home is not only pleasing to the eye, but also promotes better health by purifying the air. Plants can become natural filters that capture and neutralise toxic substances emitted by furniture and household chemicals. This makes them not just a decorative element, but an important part of a healthy lifestyle in an urban flat. Speaking of enhancing your home experience, checking out casinos online Curacao might also be interesting.

8 Healthy Plants for the Home

Houseplants not only decorate the interior, but also fulfil an important function of purifying the air, ensuring a healthy atmosphere in the home. Some plants are particularly useful due to their ability to remove harmful toxins and release oxygen. To create a healthy microclimate in your home, choosing the right plants plays a key role.

1. Chlorophytum (Spider Plant)

Chlorophytum is known for its ability to cleanse the air of formaldehyde and other toxic substances. This plant is ideal for beginner flower growers as it is very low maintenance. Chlorophytum is also safe for pets, making it a great choice for families with cats and dogs. In addition, it is able to please the owner with new shoots, which can be separated and grown as independent plants.

2. Sansevieria (Snake Plant)

Sansevieria, or snake tongue, requires minimal care and can grow in a variety of light levels. It effectively removes harmful substances such as benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene from the air. The plant prefers dry soil, so water it moderately. Sansevieria is known for its ability to release oxygen at night, making it an ideal plant for the bedroom.

3. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums brightly decorate any space and effectively purify the air from ammonia, benzene and other toxins. These plants require ample sunlight and regular watering to bloom and purify the air. It is important to remember that chrysanthemums are toxic to pets, so they should be kept out of their reach. Chrysanthemums bloom for about six weeks, during which time they are most effective at purifying the air.

4. Ficus (Weeping Fig)

The ficus, or weeping willow, stands out for its ability to purify the air of formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. This plant adapts easily to indoor conditions, preferring moderate light without direct sunlight. Ficus can reach an impressive size, which is worth considering when choosing a place for it in the house. However, despite its advantages, ficus is toxic to cats and dogs, so it should be kept away from pets.

5. Dracaena

Dracaena is known for its ability to remove trichloroethylene from the air, which is often emitted from paints, varnishes and adhesives. This plant comes in a wide range of species, allowing you to find a unique specimen for any interior. Dracaena requires medium light levels and regular but moderate watering. It is important to note that Dracaena is toxic to pets, so it should be kept away from them.

6. Ivy (English Ivy)

Ivy, or English willow, is ideal for bathrooms as it helps to reduce mould. This plant is also effective in fighting harmful substances in the air such as formaldehyde and ammonia. Ivy prefers moderate light and regular watering, but can tolerate lower light levels as well. However, like many of the other plants on this list, ivy is toxic to cats and dogs.

7. Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

Spathiphyllum, or peace lily, brings beauty to the home with its bright white flowers. Not only does it beautify a room, but it also helps moisturise the air, which can reduce dust. Spathiphyllum requires a moderate amount of light and regular moistening of the soil. Like many other plants on this list, spathiphyllum is toxic to pets.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera not only improves air quality, but also serves as a source of healing gel that helps with burns and cuts. This plant is easy to care for and requires plenty of light and minimal watering. Aloe vera effectively absorbs substances such as formaldehyde and benzene commonly found in the home. Despite its beneficial properties, aloe is also toxic to cats and dogs, which is important to consider when placing it in the home.


Choosing houseplants is not just about their appearance. It is important to consider their ability to improve air quality and bring a healthy atmosphere into the home. The plants listed above are great choices for those who want to combine beauty with practicality.

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Spicy herbs from seeds on the windowsill Sat, 18 Mar 2023 12:46:00 +0000 There are annual spicy plants that you can grow very easily and quickly. Literally within 2-3 weeks, mustard, coriander and arugula will already give spicy herbs.

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Coriander (cilantro), mustard, arugula

There are annual spicy plants that you can grow very easily and quickly. Literally within 2-3 weeks, mustard, coriander and arugula will already give spicy herbs. These herbs sprout within 3-4 days, and after 10-15 days you can already pinch the leaves. They can be sown in pots with soil, then the plants will give greens longer and form large rosettes. And you can grow them without earth, then you will get tender and perfectly clean greens. This method is very convenient for winter cultivation. To do this on the bottom of a large flat container (depth of 3 cm – 5 cm), for example, a large plate – put in several layers of paper napkins and moisten them. Pour the seeds thickly over the surface of the napkins, cover the container with a film and put it in a warm place. As soon as the seeds sprout – take them out into the light. When growing spicy herbs in this way, the most important thing is not to forget to water the plants often, so that the napkins do not dry out.


One of the most popular spicy herbs in kitchens around the world. Its aroma and delicate flavor will make salads and hot dishes, sauces and even desserts – delicious. Growing basil at home from seeds is not difficult at all. Seeds are sown in moist soil, slightly to 1 cm, sprinkle with substrate and cover with a film so that the top layer does not dry out. Sprouts appear within a week. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, basil is planted in pots, leaving between plants about 5 cm. After 7-8 leaves – pinch off the top and basil will start to give a lot of side shoots. Feed basil once every 2-3 weeks with a full mineral and organic fertilizer. Do not forget to water the plants, they do not tolerate drying, but also do not flood, keep the ground moderately moist all the time. Buy seeds better from reliable sellers. Old seeds will not sprout well. For home cultivation, we have a special kind of basil room mixture of varieties. This includes varieties with green and purple leaves. Well grow on windowsills varieties: Lemon, Red Ruby, Salad Leaf.

Marjoram (Origano)

This plant has been valued as a spicy and very ornamental plant since the time of Ancient Greece. It is added to salads, vegetable and fish dishes, used fresh and dried. This perennial plant has lush branching bushes covered with silvery downy leaves. Seeds of marjoram are sown almost without embedding, sprinkled with soil no more than 3 mm. Then the crops are moistened from a sprayer, cover with a film and put in a warm place (from +22 ° C). Sprouts appear long, up to 2-3 weeks, have patience. But then marjoram will grow at you for many years. Sprouted plants are planted at a distance of 6 cm. An adult bush of marjoram at home grows to a height of 40 cm.


It is hard to imagine any cuisine in the world without rosemary. Without it it is impossible not the famous sauce “balsamic”, nor spicy vinegars, nor marinades, nor the famous seasoning “Provencal herbs”. Grow rosemary at home from seeds is worth at least for its beauty. In pots it looks great, and will decorate not only the kitchen windowsill, but also the window of the bedroom or living room. In a container, rosemary often grows even better than in the garden. The plant forms a dense bush, about 40 cm high, with small silvery leaves that resemble pine needles. Before sowing rosemary seeds, soak them in water for a few hours. It is best to sow the seeds in sand or vermiculite, burying them 3 mm deep. Then spray the seeds with water from a sprayer and place them in a very warm place, at a temperature of +25°C.


This plant is one of the best for growing at home. Its rich flavor has been appreciated since ancient times. The bushes, covered with small silver-green leaves, do not exceed 30 cm. Small thyme seeds are mixed with sand before sowing to make it easier to sow. Thyme likes light and not too fertile soil. You can mix half peat with sand or buy a substrate for cacti. Seeds are buried only 1 mm – 2 mm and sprayed with water from a sprayer. Seeds are covered with glass and put not only in a warm, but also in a bright place. Seeds of thyme germinate exactly in the light. But the light should be diffused, not direct sunlight. After the appearance of seedlings – the glass is removed. Watering small seedlings do only as they dry out, do not overwater. Seeds of thyme sprout quickly and amicably. To make the bushes dense – cut them off more often. Do not let the plant bloom, then the greens will be tender.

Seeds for growing spicy herbs can be bought very inexpensively, and the value of these plants for cooking and interior – high. At home – even a beginner can grow these tasty and useful plants.

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What flowers can be grown at home from seeds? Fri, 22 Jul 2022 12:42:00 +0000 Flowers for home cultivation can be very different: ornamental-leaved, ornamental-flowering, palms, succulents.

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Flowers for home cultivation can be very different: ornamental-leaved, ornamental-flowering, palms, succulents. They are easy to grow from seeds, and many of them are unpretentious in care. What flowers to plant at home? To the popular include such indoor flowers from seeds:

  • Cyclamen or alpine violet. Very delicate and incredibly beautiful plant. If he provides proper care, will bloom almost continuously. In the first time of growth, it builds up the root system. Only in the third year will appear flower stalks. Care is very simple, but it is worth remembering that cyclamen does not like heat and stuffiness at all;
  • Adenium or desert rose. Quite unpretentious in care – it only needs a lot of light and quite rare watering. Sprouts will begin to sprout about 10 days after sowing seeds. Immediately begins to form the trunk – it will grow in width, and on the top will grow leaves. It will bloom in 2-3 years;
  • Plumeria or frangipani. It blooms very beautifully and also emits an incredible exotic fragrance. Plumeria grows quickly, can reach two meters in height. But it needs special care: often transplant, grow in a sunny and maximally spacious place, as well as frequent watering;
  • Stinging pepper. Such a plant not only looks incredibly attractive, but it will also be loved by those who like spicy. Seeds germinate very quickly, and begin to bloom in the same year. Difficulty in care is only in the fact that in winter you need artificial light and a high level of humidity;
  • Lemons – they can grow right on your windowsill. Grow these trees will be able to everyone. Only they begin to bear fruit not quickly at all;
  • Pelargonium. Flowers from seeds grow quickly, and it will bloom in a year after planting;
  • Cacti. You can grow from seeds even them! And it is not difficult to do this. The main thing is to choose a very light soil based on sand, and moisten the earth as carefully as possible from the pulverizer;
  • Balsamin. Seeds should be soaked in manganese for 10 minutes. Germinate quickly, care for balsamines is easy – it is one of the most favorite plants of flower growers.

There are also fast-growing indoor flowers from seeds:

  • Benjamin ficus. Grow ficus from seeds is quite simple. The container after their sowing should necessarily be covered with a film or glass to keep high humidity. Sprouts will appear in about 10 days;
  • Orange chlorophytum. This is a completely unpretentious plant, which is just grown from seeds. Seeds are first germinated by dropping them for about a month in water. The plant grows quickly, and therefore it needs to be transplanted regularly;
  • Multifaceted dracaena. Even those who have never grown anything before can grow it. Seeds can take a long time to sprout, so they need to be soaked in a growth stimulant or wrapped in a damp cloth.

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General rules for growing vegetables and fruits in pots Mon, 17 May 2021 12:39:00 +0000 In addition to indoor flowers, you can grow fresh vitamins in a pot on the windowsill: herbs, vegetables with fruits and berries - cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, peppers, lemons, strawberries

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No matter what season it is outside, in an apartment it is nice to enjoy living plants grown with love. In addition to indoor flowers, you can grow fresh vitamins in a pot on the windowsill: herbs, vegetables with fruits and berries – cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, peppers, lemons, strawberries … And all this – at home, without chemicals and at any time of the year, even in summer, even in winter!

  • Vegetable and berry seedlings need to be provided with space, so choose a larger pot, up to 40 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height. The material of the pot can be any – plastic, clay, the main thing is that there are holes at the bottom to drain excess moisture. If the pot is not new, and you have grown something in it before, it should be rinsed well, poured over with boiling water and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate to protect the seedling from pests.
  • What soil should I plant a home garden in? It is better to use a purchased soil mixture for potted plants, which contains all the necessary substances for growth and development, as well as minimizes the risk of pest infestation. You can prepare the mixture at home with your own hands from sod, peat and compost. If you have a garden plot fertilized with organic matter, you can take the soil from there. Good drainage in the planting container is important – expanded clay, pebbles. Its presence will allow the root system to breathe and protect it from decay due to waterlogged soil.
  • It is necessary to choose special varieties of vegetables, the root system of which will be comfortable in a limited space.
  • An important condition is the ability of plants to self-pollinate – specially bred hybrids have such properties, and we choose them.
  • Take care of sufficient moisture and nutrition. Watering is best done with settled warm water. Feed with liquid fertilizer once a week, as soon as the first four leaves appear. Biohumus is used as an organic fertilizer.
  • Good lighting is a prerequisite for the good development and fruiting of your garden: even the slightest shadow from a neighboring pot jeopardizes the future harvest. If there is not enough light, you can illuminate artificially: LED lamps or LED strips with a different spectrum (red, blue, white) are suitable.
  • The rest of the rules are the same as for street or greenhouse relatives: to speed up the hatching process, cover the pot with a film, not forgetting to moisten and warm the soil, regularly check the grown plant for diseases, pests, and, if necessary, disinfect it with special means.

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