• Gardener – history of the profession.
  • Gardens. History of the origin of gardens.
  • Botanical Latin: rules for reading plant names, botanical nomenclature.
  • Location of the garden. Evaluation of the microclimate of the site. Influence of terrain on microclimate.
  • Surrounding the garden. Identifying beautiful species outside the plot.
  • Identification of shady and sunny areas of the plot.
  • Studying the topography and soil of the plot.
  • Studying the hydrology of the plot. Drainage.
  • Drawing up a plan-analysis of the situation.
  • Basic elements of the garden. Estimation of labor intensity of work performance.
  • Remuneration of the gardener’s labor. Labor costs, costs of consumables. Economic evaluation of garden care.

Soil, fertilizers, nutrition on the courses of gardeners

  • Acidity, structure, mechanical composition of the soil. The role of organic matter. Natural and artificial fertility.
  • Mechanical composition of soil. Advantages and disadvantages of different soils and ways to improve it. Practical determination of soil type. Soil profile. pH level of soil. Mulching
  • Organic fertilizers. Preparation of compost. Basic rules for obtaining quality compost. Methods of weed control. Biofertilizers. Biostimulants. Siderates.
  • Basic elements of nutrition and their role in plant life in different periods of vegetation. Diagnosis of the lack of various elements in plants.
  • Types of organic fertilizers and garden soils. The principles of their use in the garden.
  • Mineral fertilizers: simple, complex, microfertilizers. Lime fertilizers and the rules of liming acidic soils. Application of mineral fertilizers depending on their solubility, time of year and plant species.
  • Phytohormones. Modern assortment of plant growth stimulators. Joint application of growth stimulants with fertilizers.
  • Pre-planting soil preparation. Solid and spot cultivation. Soil mixtures for different types of ornamental crops. Preparation of planting pits for trees and shrubs.

Diseases and pests

  • Diseases and pests of garden plants.
  • Measures to combat them: chemical and biological.
  • Calendar of works to combat diseases and pests in the garden.