There are several types of indoor flowers that are easy to plant. They grow quickly, and some have long and beautiful blooms with proper care.

These unpretentious plants, grown in beautiful pots, refresh the interior. They do not like direct sunlight, they can be planted even in the penumbra. Ficuses clean the air from benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia and dust.

Specimens with glossy leaves should be regularly wiped or washed under a warm shower. At moderate temperatures, watering once a week is sufficient. Room ficus are presented in any variations – from ampel herbaceous to huge trees for the greenhouse.

Succulents release oxygen at night, so it is good to keep them in the bedroom. Water them 2-3 times a week in the summer, and one watering in the winter is enough. They absorb dangerous chemicals, disinfect and sanitize the air.

Types of succulents:

  • agaves;
  • Gymnocalyciums;
  • crassulas;
  • haworthias;
  • echeverias;
  • euphorbias;
  • aloes;
  • gasterias;
  • crucifers;
  • clematis;
  • ripsalises;
  • sansevierias;
  • tillandsias;
  • epiphyllums;
  • alluaudiums;
  • sedums.

Popular non-capricious shy lavender with beautiful delicate flowers of white, purple, blue, pink will be your favorite. It is undemanding to care for, but the place should be well-lit, the ground – moist, but not overwatered.

These are tropical inhabitants, covered with sharp prickles or delicate fuzz. Cacti are represented by the most numerous family, more than 5000 species. Since antiquity, they symbolize health and longevity, are considered an “energy shield” that does not allow negativity to enter the home.

Cacti activate brain activity, help in making the right decisions. Spiny fleshy trunks absorb harmful blue rays emitted by computer equipment or TV. Cactus will grow well on southern and eastern windows. Care consists of daily moderate watering in summer and reduced in the cold season to once every 15 days.

Dracaenas are not poisonous and assist their owners by neutralizing dangerous chemical combinations like formaldehyde. A flower planted in a room with linoleum on the floor will cleanse the air of the benzene that the flooring emits. Dracaena improves the emotional state of a person, restores mental balance, helps to get rid of headaches and toothaches.

Beautifully looking dracaenas resembling tropical palms, resembling a bush with many branches, trees with branched or several trunks. They look unusual with two-, three-colored leaves, gray or burgundy tone of foliage.

Caring for dracaena is easy. It painlessly tolerates a slight drought, but dies when water stagnates. It is obligatory to periodically clean the leaves from dust. In summer, the pot is good to expose to fresh air, in the penumbra. In winter – arrange dracaena once every 1-2 weeks warm shower.

These are unpretentious plants that can be planted and not difficult to grow at home. Kalanchoe with beautiful small flowers will decorate any room. The green pet does not like bright lighting and grows well on western and eastern windows.

In winter, he needs to extend the light day to 12 hours. Watering with warm, soft, tempered water is better to carry out through a tray, avoiding getting moisture on the stems. If the ground clod dries out, the leaves will fall off.

There are more than 200 species of kalanchoe. In the art of feng shui they are used to correct the energy field. One flower in a pot is enough, and the negative energy will go away, and the vital energy will be strengthened.

Kalanchoe cleans the air from microorganisms, helps to increase immunity. If the room doctor grows in your room, then the risk of contracting viral diseases for you will be significantly reduced.

Lemon tree
There are fruit plants that you can grow at home. One of them is the lemon tree. This tree, which grows up to 1.5 meters in height, is sure to please you with useful aromatic fruits. Originating from Southeast Asia, the lemon tree does well in room conditions. It is not difficult to provide it with proper care. It is enough to create diffused sunlight. Optimally – to grow and keep the plant on the southern side of the house.

Lemon tree can be grown from a seed planted in a pot, but it will take a long time. The tree is useful, it maintains a comfortable microclimate. The leaves release phytoncides – volatile substances that positively affect the emotional state, mood of people and strengthen their immune system.