Flowers for home cultivation can be very different: ornamental-leaved, ornamental-flowering, palms, succulents. They are easy to grow from seeds, and many of them are unpretentious in care. What flowers to plant at home? To the popular include such indoor flowers from seeds:
- Cyclamen or alpine violet. Very delicate and incredibly beautiful plant. If he provides proper care, will bloom almost continuously. In the first time of growth, it builds up the root system. Only in the third year will appear flower stalks. Care is very simple, but it is worth remembering that cyclamen does not like heat and stuffiness at all;
- Adenium or desert rose. Quite unpretentious in care – it only needs a lot of light and quite rare watering. Sprouts will begin to sprout about 10 days after sowing seeds. Immediately begins to form the trunk – it will grow in width, and on the top will grow leaves. It will bloom in 2-3 years;
- Plumeria or frangipani. It blooms very beautifully and also emits an incredible exotic fragrance. Plumeria grows quickly, can reach two meters in height. But it needs special care: often transplant, grow in a sunny and maximally spacious place, as well as frequent watering;
- Stinging pepper. Such a plant not only looks incredibly attractive, but it will also be loved by those who like spicy. Seeds germinate very quickly, and begin to bloom in the same year. Difficulty in care is only in the fact that in winter you need artificial light and a high level of humidity;
- Lemons – they can grow right on your windowsill. Grow these trees will be able to everyone. Only they begin to bear fruit not quickly at all;
- Pelargonium. Flowers from seeds grow quickly, and it will bloom in a year after planting;
- Cacti. You can grow from seeds even them! And it is not difficult to do this. The main thing is to choose a very light soil based on sand, and moisten the earth as carefully as possible from the pulverizer;
- Balsamin. Seeds should be soaked in manganese for 10 minutes. Germinate quickly, care for balsamines is easy – it is one of the most favorite plants of flower growers.
There are also fast-growing indoor flowers from seeds:
- Benjamin ficus. Grow ficus from seeds is quite simple. The container after their sowing should necessarily be covered with a film or glass to keep high humidity. Sprouts will appear in about 10 days;
- Orange chlorophytum. This is a completely unpretentious plant, which is just grown from seeds. Seeds are first germinated by dropping them for about a month in water. The plant grows quickly, and therefore it needs to be transplanted regularly;
- Multifaceted dracaena. Even those who have never grown anything before can grow it. Seeds can take a long time to sprout, so they need to be soaked in a growth stimulant or wrapped in a damp cloth.